Testing For And Diagnosing Nephrotic Syndrome In Children, Nephrotic syndrome Specialist in Delhi - Dr. Sidharth Sethi
Testing For And Diagnosing Nephrotic Syndrome In Children Nephrotic syndrome explained: Nephrotic syndrome is a condition which affects the kidneys and the miniscule filtering system within it, called the nephrons. There is damage to these structures as a result of various reasons, and mostly in children the cause remains unknown, also known as idiopathic nephrotic syndrome . As a result of this damage, the kidney starts to filter less of the substances that it usually helps our body get rid of, and it also starts to filter in excess certain substances which are useful to the body. Therefore an affected child usually presents with certain characteristic symptoms, including, swelling of the tissues, especially in the face and abdomen. Diagnosing the condition: It is when a child presents with this characteristic symptom of swelling in most areas of the body, that your doctor/pediatrician will suspect nephrotic syndrome . It is very important that the diagnosis is made ...